Ms. Egan’s 2nd Grade Class

In the Beginning

In mid-October, Rebecca Egan from Meadowlark Elementary School called Pompeys Pillar National Monument to schedule a tour for her 18 2nd graders. Ms. Egan had won a $500 grant from One Class at a Time by Q2 radio station, Western Security Bank, City Brew Coffee, and Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools.

Part of Ms. Egan’s 2nd grade class.

Ms. Egan could have used the funds on school supplies, but she really wanted to give the kids an out of the classroom experience. I still was the Acting Manager of the Pillar but knew my position would end before the planned visit. It was important to me to help Ms. Egan with her plan, so I told both Ms. Egan and the usual Manager that I would host the kids that day.

Racoon tracks on the boardwalk.

The day has arrived!

We spent time in the Visitor Center first, with introductions a cruise through the VC display areas. Turns out the group consisted of 16 2nd graders, three parent chaperones, one older sibling and Ms. Egan.

In the Visitor Center.

We split the kids into two groups and set off for either a hike up the Pillar or a nature walk along the many trails surrounding the Pillar.

One group up top.
I asked the second group to show me their goofy faces!

After the outside tours were done, we retreated to the VC where we played movies about constructing Bull Boats and a general history of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, aka the Corps of Discovery. And Ms. Egan delivered a lesson about pictographs, allowing the kids to create their own.

All good things must come to an end

As the day was wrapping up, I had one more request of the class – I wanted to be included in a groups photo!

Ms. Egans 2nd Grade class, Ms. Egan and myself, after a great day at the Monument.

It was a great day! The weather cooperated; I had three exceptional volunteers from my office as well as class parents to help steer the kids where we needed them to go. My final success, post detail!

A thank you card from the class!

By Jenny

I live in somewhat rural Montana, north of Yellowstone National Park. I love to tell "tales", I end up on many "trails", and am fascinated by "transformations", which happen around me and in me, which is the best part!


  1. What a great way to wrap up your managing job! Sounds like you were well prepared and enthusiastic for your students! Glad it turned out so well!
    Keep writing my friend!

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