Isla Mujeres, as Intended Part One:

Getting there

My good friend Mary had called me months before and invited me on a trip to a tropical island in February, 2022. Of course, I accepted her invitation, with no idea what life changing experience Isla Mujeres had in store for me.

Mary lives in Minnesota, and the trip was a fundraiser for KAKE radio station. KAXE – Homepage | KAXE Because the trip officially started in Minneapolis and I live in Montana, I had to get to Minneapolis before the Big Day.

Mary lives further north in the state, so chose to fly to Minneapolis also. Our flights landed about the same time, so we met at baggage claim. Homepage | MSP Airport

Minneapolis with Mary

Mary had reserved a suite in an Airbnb Friday night. It was too early to check in, so we got a cab to an excellent Mexican restaurant. Then we went to the Mall of America, where I took a dozen photos of places like the Lego Store, the rides, the rows and rows of stores on each level. We found Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville, so needed to head in for one of Jimmy’s favorite drinks.


We made it to the Airbnb and got settled in. We selected Clue for our movie of choice. Mary hadn’t seen it!

Meeting the rest of the group

Saturday morning, we headed to MSP to start the Big Adventure. Most of the party are retired from long careers working in Minnesota, and elsewhere before landing in MN. For example, Michael grew up in Portland, where his father had first been a merchant marine, and then Coast Guard. He’s still serving as a Unitarian minister. And Deanna grew up in Washington state, within the Cascades, where the events depicted in “This Boy’s Life” took place.

Carolyn, Gayle, Jill, Elaine, Mary, Charlie, and me.

Jan was a teacher, Charlie taught Geography at Bemidji State University and was on Mary’s thesis committee. He had taught at Rachel Carson College through the Environmental movement generated by Ms. Carson, until the funding dried up. Charlie’s wife Jill was a librarian and worked with Native American Communities in the Red Lake area. Joan has a degree in food chemistry/science and was a college professor. Her husband Dick sold insurance.

L to R, Carolyn, Gayle, Jill, Elaine, Mary, Charlie and me.

Carolyn was a traveling saleswoman, working for Whole Foods and delivering to food cooperatives around the region. That’s where she met Gayle. Gayle has a pet pig named Poppy, and any number of chickens. Elaine had been in the military and worked in food service in local hospitals.

Lissa and John were our “hosts on the island, as they have been spending part of the winters on the Isla for a decade and knew the island. Lissa ran an art gallery for many years, and paints “barn wood”. John worked for Cass County in environmental compliance. I had better notes about everyone in my phone that I lost at the end of the journey.

Arriving on the island

It turns out, it’s just a three-hour flight to reach Cancun from Minneapolis. But Cancun wasn’t the final destination. One 20-minute ferry ride would take us to Isla Mujeres. The first of many crossings.

The landing post-ferry ride.

When we reached the island, we traveled to our “home away from home”, the beautiful Casa delas Palmas.

Lissa directed us to our rooms, of which there were many! Mary and I shared a room with two twin beds, decorated heavily in yellow.

In the backyard, behind Las Palmas.
View of the casa from the back of the Casa.
The beach behind the Casa.

Lissa had prepared an itinerary for the stay:

  • Feb 12 / Saturday ~~ arrive at the Casa. Will have Happy Hour daily.
  • Feb 13 / Sunday Music in the afternoon ~~ we checked out a Cuban favorite last night and live music at 3:00 Dinnertainment at 6:30


This is Dinnertainment! I had video on my old phone….
The dinner set up.
This is the “Dinner” part!
Left to right – Jan, John, Lissa, me, Dick, Charlie, Jill, Carolyn, Gayle and Mary.

So Sunday evening was a huge success! More on Lissa’s agenda:

  • Feb 14 / Monday / Valentines Day Carolyn got us to pose for a group photo so send back to KAXE.
L to R, back row: Dick, Charlie, Deanna, Michael, John, Jill, Elaine, Jan and Joan, front row me, Gayle, Carolyn, Lissa and Mary.

Also Monday we had a boat ride planned, but the excess wind changed our plans. We often made our own breakfasts, with the myriad of food-stuffs Lissa and John had provided. We also visited a local grocery store, Chedraui.

In the galley, left to right – Jill, John, Lissa.
The galley and dining space.

Feb 15/Tuesday the Yucatan

You may already be familiar with the adventures of February 15:

Waiting for to board the ferry.

On to February 16, Wednesday…. through Thursday and into Friday, the day before departure. These days were marked “Free” on Lissa’s agenda. Each day came with its own adventures!

Ways to pass the time

Kin Ha, where the water was accessible and warm.

Time spent in the Casa

Lounge with Charlie.
Jill, Elaine and Lissa chatting with Charlie.
Have coffee and chill, with Dick and Joan.
The kitchen is a great place to chat; L to R – Joan, Gayle, Deanna, Jan, Jill, Mary and maybe Michael?
John and Charlie.
Lissa preparing lunch for the group.
Go for a swim!
Generic massage table pic, since I have no photos from massages delivered to the Casa by Mimi’s Spa.
Enjoy a sunset on the beach.

Parque Escultorico y las Ruinas de Ixchel or Temple of Ixchel

I planned out to check the Mayan ruins on the island with great anticipation. The day I tried to get there, but Hotel Garrafon is located between public access and the ruins, and hotel construction left the paths to the ruins closed.

Also from Yelp.

A good time was had by all

Me and Lissa with our mojitos.

Until disaster stuck:

By Jenny

I live in somewhat rural Montana, north of Yellowstone National Park. I love to tell "tales", I end up on many "trails", and am fascinated by "transformations", which happen around me and in me, which is the best part!