
The Background

Twelve years ago, I was exploring a gift shop in Gardiner, Montana. I always buy earrings at places I visit as souvenirs, a physical reminder of the many places I’ve traveled.

We’d recently moved to Montana, and in this gift shop I spotted a set of earrings that seemed perfect. Wolves.

Wolf earrings.

In the following years, I would wear what I deemed my “protective wolves,” each facing out, on days I felt vulnerable, or a bit “off.” About four years after acquiring my wolves I realized I couldn’t wear the wolves each time I felt not quite myself as it wouldn’t allow me to wear the rest of my wonderful dangling earrings.

Someday I would need a tattoo.

The Decision

About six weeks ago, I was feeling depressed and anxious about things going on in my world. I was looking into the mirror and realized the time had come. Time for a more permanent “wearing” of my protective wolves. In that moment, my depression and anxiety eased, and a sense of purpose and joy filled me. The next step was finding a tattoo artist and an image that spoke to me.

The Serendipity

A few days later I found myself at a new-to-me bookstore near downtown Billings. When I opened the door, I walked into warmth, fragrance, and a familiar topic under discussion between the woman behind the counter and a customer. The scent and atmosphere of the metaphysical bookstore was familiar from years past and felt like coming home.

I made my purchase and asked the young woman where she’d gotten her “ink” – she walked me to the door and pointed kitty-corner across the street, to the new location of Inspirink.

I headed over to the shop to inquired about availability. I was told to contact JenI, as she might have openings.

My new tattoo artist!

Over the next few weeks, JenI and discussed design and schedule via messenger; I was letting her know what I was looking for and getting on her schedule. Before I knew it, the day had arrived!

The New Artwork

JenI had an image in mind, and through discussions and alterations, JenI created the perfect image! The full moon was my son’s idea, the flowers were JenI’s. The wolves facing away from each other, with aggressive expressions on their faces was mine.

The design of my long desired tattoo.

We selected a location on the back of my right shoulder and JenI went to work:

Immediately post-tattoo.

JenI gave me care instructions, and I worked hard to keep the Saniderm in place, which allowed healing without any additional work for me! But when I contacted JenI to ask if I could keep it on, she said no, time to let the cover go and step into tattoo care.

Nearly three weeks in, the surface is healing well:

The tattoo, healing well.

People have asked if I’ll add color, I might eventually. Maybe some blue at the edges of the moon, or faint color for the roses. But for now, my wolves are right where they need to be. And I couldn’t be happier.

By Jenny

I live in somewhat rural Montana, north of Yellowstone National Park. I love to tell "tales", I end up on many "trails", and am fascinated by "transformations", which happen around me and in me, which is the best part!